Results for 'Ulpiano Vázquez Moro'

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  1. El discurso sobre Dios en la obra de E. Levinas.Ulpiano Vázquez Moro - 1982 - Madrid: UPCM.
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  2. A Concepção De Subjtividade Em Lèvinas: da solidão da hipóstase: uma leitura tomasiana.Jacqueline de Oliveira Moreira & Pe Ulpiano Vasquez Moro - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47).
    Introdução a Levinas a partir da discussão sobre a problemática da subjetividade.
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    The “Discovery” of the Autograph of Thomas More's De Tristitia Christi through Andrés Vázquez de Prada.Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 58 (1):112-124.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he has given (...)
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    Reviewing and Correcting the Article on the Date of Birth of Thomas More.Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 49 (3-4):251-262.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he has given (...)
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    In Memoriam Dominic Baker-Smith.Frank Mitjans & Elizabeth McCutcheon and - 2007 - Moreana 53 (3-4):7-15.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he has given (...)
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    Pedro de Ribadeneyra's “Ecclesiastical History of the Schism of the Kingdom of England”: A Spanish Jesuit's History of the English Reformation, ed. and trans. Spencer J. Weinreich. [REVIEW]Frank Mitjans - 2007 - Moreana 55 (1):113-119.
    Frank Mitjans is an architect who has worked in London since 1976. He was introduced to the significance of the figure of St. Thomas More by Andrés Vázquez de Prada, author of the biography, Sir Tomás Moro, Lord Canciller de Inglaterra. In 1977 Vázquez de Prada invited Mitjans to visit with him the Thomas More Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which stimulated his interest in representations of More, his family and his friends. Since August 2002 he has given (...)
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  7. On the nature of the conjunction fallacy.Rodrigo Moro - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):1 - 24.
    In a seminal work, Tversky and Kahneman showed that in some contexts people tend to believe that a conjunction of events (e.g., Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement) is more likely to occur than one of the conjuncts (e.g., Linda is a bank teller). This belief violates the conjunction rule in probability theory. Tversky and Kahneman called this phenomenon the “conjunction fallacy”. Since the discovery of the phenomenon in 1983, researchers in psychology and philosophy (...)
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    Nuclear Energy in the Public Sphere: Anti-Nuclear Movements vs. Industrial Lobbies in Spain.Luis Sánchez-Vázquez & Alfredo Menéndez-Navarro - 2015 - Minerva 53 (1):69-88.
    This article examines the role of the Spanish Atomic Forum as the representative of the nuclear sector in the public arena during the golden years of the nuclear power industry from the 1960s to 1970s. It focuses on the public image concerns of the Spanish nuclear lobby and the subsequent information campaigns launched during the late 1970s to counteract demonstrations by the growing and heterogeneous anti-nuclear movement. The role of advocacy of nuclear energy by the Atomic Forum was similar to (...)
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    The Boundaries of Babel: The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages.Andrea Moro - 2008 - MIT Press.
    In _The Boundaries of Babel_, Andrea Moro tells the story of an encounter between two cultures: contemporary theoretical linguistics and the cognitive neurosciences. The study of language within a biological context has been ongoing for more than fifty years. The development of neuroimaging technology offers new opportunities to enrich the "biolinguistic perspective" and extend it beyond an abstract framework for inquiry. As a leading theoretical linguist in the generative tradition and also a cognitive scientist schooled in the new imaging (...)
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    Robustly embodied imagination and the limits of perspective-taking.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez & Adriana Clavel-Vázquez - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (4):1395-1420.
    Experiential imagination consists in an imaginative projection that aims at simulating the experiences one would undergo in different circumstances. It has been traditionally thought to play a role in how we build our lives, engage with other agents, and appreciate art. Although some philosophers have recently expressed doubts over the capacity of experiential imagination to offer insight into the perspective of someone other than our present-selves, experiential imagination remains a much sought-after tool. This paper substantiates pessimism about the epistemological value (...)
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  11.  49
    Chronic Illness and the Physician-Patient Relationship: A Response to the Hastings Center's "Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness".D. A. Moros, R. Rhodes, B. Baumrin & J. J. Strain - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2):161-181.
    The following article is a response to the position paper of the Hastings Center, “Ethical Challenges of Chronic Illness”, a product of their three year project on Ethics and Chronic Care. The authors of this paper, three prominent bioethicists, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, and Bruce Jennings, argue that there should be a different ethic for acute and chronic care. In pressing this distinction they provide philosophical grounds for limiting medical care for the elderly and chronically ill. We give a critical (...)
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    Usage de l’objet, signification et émergence de la conscience à l’étape préverbale du développement: Une perspective édusémiotique.Christiane Moro - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (212):129-153.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 212 Seiten: 129-153.
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    Los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Sevilla: Nueva estructura judicial de la Iglesia.Ulpiano Pacho Sardón - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (12):471-497.
    El 1 de febrero de 1982 se constituyeron en la Archidiócesis de Sevilla los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Primera y Segunda Instancia. Se trata de Tribunales Eclesiásticos de Justicia extracanónicos, que se originaron primero en Italia según el Motu Propio 'Qua Cura' de Pío XI, y luego se extendieron a la Iglesia en general, para integrarse finalmente en el actual Derecho Canónico. Este ensayo describe el desarrollo y la naturaleza de estos Tribunales de Justicia, así como su funcionamiento en la Archidiócesis (...)
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    Multi-language transfer learning for low-resource legal case summarization.Gianluca Moro, Nicola Piscaglia, Luca Ragazzi & Paolo Italiani - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (4):1111-1139.
    Analyzing and evaluating legal case reports are labor-intensive tasks for judges and lawyers, who usually base their decisions on report abstracts, legal principles, and commonsense reasoning. Thus, summarizing legal documents is time-consuming and requires excellent human expertise. Moreover, public legal corpora of specific languages are almost unavailable. This paper proposes a transfer learning approach with extractive and abstractive techniques to cope with the lack of labeled legal summarization datasets, namely a low-resource scenario. In particular, we conducted extensive multi- and cross-language (...)
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  15. The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law.Jose Pardo-Vazquez, Juan Castiñeiras-de Saa, Mafalda Valente, Iris Damião, Tiago Costa, M. Inês Vicente, André Mendonça, Zachary Mainen & Alfonso Renart - 2019 - Nature Neuroscience 22 (9):1493–1502.
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    Political Responsibility: Responding to Predicaments of Power.Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Scholars in the humanities and social sciences have turned to ethics to theorize politics in what seems to be an increasingly depoliticized age. Yet the move toward ethics has obscured the ongoing value of political responsibility and the vibrant life it represents as an effective response to power. Sounding the alarm for those who care about robust forms of civic engagement, this book fights for a new conception of political responsibility that meets the challenges of today's democratic practice. Antonio Y. (...)
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  17.  40
    The end of progress: Decolonizing the normative foundations of critical theory.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):224-227.
  18.  12
    A vueltas con la ética escéptica: reflexiones desde la racionalidad escéptica.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    Francisco de Assis e Madre Magdalena Daemen Como Referência de Vida e Educação.Valderesa Moro, Hildegard Susana Jung & Marcio Paulo Cenci - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (31):55-67.
    O artigo trata sobre o legado de Francisco de Assis e Madre Madalena, referência de vida e educação: formando para a vida com princípios, valores e atitudes. Objetiva reconhecer os princípios, valores e atitudes franciscanas que referendam uma educação pautada nos exemplos de São Francisco de Assis e Madre Madalena. O aporte teórico fundamenta-se em escritos das Fontes Franciscanas e Clarianas (2004), Cools e Winpersee (1996) dentre outros autores que tratam da temática em estudo. Utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, caracteriza-se como (...)
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    Marriage patterns of california's early spanish-mexican colonists (1742–1876).Clara Garcia-Moro, D. I. Toja & Phillip L. Walker - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):205-217.
    Marriage patterns of California's eighteenth and nineteenth century Spanish-Mexican families are analysed using data from genealogies and mission records. A shortage of women among the military based colonists led to an unusual marriage pattern with a large age differential between husbands and wives. The average age at marriage was 18·4 years for women and 28·4 years for men. Spatial mobility was high for both sexes, particularly for men. More husbands than wives were born in Mexico. The Monterey presidial district of (...)
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    The evolution of neural dynamics permitting isocortical-limbic-motor communication.R. Hermer-Vazquez & L. Hermer-Vazquez - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):559-560.
    The first cortically based associative circuits integrated olfactory, motivational, and motor information. Many of the neural dynamics present in these evolutionarily ancient, olfactory-motor circuits, such as the broadband frequency, phase, and amplitude modulations seen during recognition of a rewarded olfactory stimulus, are also found in isocortical circuits. These results suggest that mechanisms permitting olfactory associative processing formed the basis for evolutionarily more recent large-scale couplings involving isocortical areas.
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  22. (1 other version)C. Maigné, Johann Friedrich Herbart, Paris 2007.Nadia Moro - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):190-193.
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    El argumento ontológico modal de Alvin Plantinga.Enrique R. Moros - 1997 - Eunsa Editorial Universidad Navarra S.A..
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    Notas a modo de introducción El área centroamericana: descripción geopolítica y literario–cultural.Diana Moro - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (23):11.
    ¿Utilizar literatura centroamericana o literaturas centroamericanas como término de análisis en el campo literario-cultural? La interrogante la sostiene este dossier, que presenta parte de la diversidad literaria que compete a la región desde la mirada académica del Sur, Norte y Centro de América, contribuyendo a la vitalidad de la discusión en los Estudios Transareales. Esta perspectiva se ha nutrido con los aportes del XVI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Centroamericana (CILCA) y el III Taller Centroamericano sobre Repositorios Digitales, así como con (...)
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    The philosophy of medicine: clinical science and its ethics.Daniel A. Moros - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (1):134.
    Of central concern to the philosophy of medicine is an understanding of the relationship that arises between science and ethics when decisions involve human beings. To examine this relationship, we must consider the status of claims to medical knowledge and whether there exists within medical practice a style of collecting and analyzing data and mak- ing therapeutic decisions that is properly called science. Since ideally, in medicine, knowledge guides practice, to a significant extent our factual claims will legislate our behavior (...)
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    The Vattimo Dictionary.Simonetta Moro (ed.) - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Sacramental and spiritual use of hallucinogenic drugs.Levente Móró, Valdas Noreika, Christian P. Müller & Gunter Schumann - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):319.
    Arguably, the religious use of hallucinogenic drugs stems from a human search of metaphysical insight rather than from a direct need for cognitive, emotional, social, physical, or sexual improvement. Therefore, the sacramental and spiritual intake of hallucinogenic drugs goes so far beyond other biopsychosocial functions that it deserves its own category in the drug instrumentalization list.
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    The walking stick of Aesculapius: its history.Isael Armando Pérez Vazquez & Sánchez Lera - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):220-237.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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    Antología textos de estética y teoría del arte.Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez - 1991 - [México, D.F.]: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Dirección General de Publicaciones.
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    El gnóstico y la capacidad confutatoria de la palabra como recurso de su labor medicinal en Evagrio Póntico.Santiago Hernán Vázquez - 2020 - Agora 39 (2):59-78.
    El presente estudio procura examinar un aspecto del tópico general “Enfermedad y terapéutica del alma” en el pensador del Ponto. El aspecto que –en el marco de dicho tópico– nos interesa abordar aquí es el referente al reconocimiento evagriano de la capacidad confutatoria de la palabra como recurso terapéutico frente a la enfermedad del alma. La palabra tiene, para nuestro autor, una potencialidad terapéutica que puede ser actualizada por el llamado “gnóstico”. Éste, que conoce por experiencia el desorden de los (...)
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  31. (1 other version)La observación científica en el proceso de contrastación de hipótesis Y teorías (scientific observation in the process of testing hypotheses and theories).Juan Vázquez - 2004 - Theoria 19 (1):77-95.
    En este trabajo se plantea, en primer lugar, la conveniencia de distinguir en el proceso de la contrastación empirica de hipótesis y teorías entre observación cientifíca y percepción y, en segundo lugar, se muestra como el munda procesado a través de la percepción se erige en base o soporte empírico del conocimiento científico. Una de las consecuencias del trabajo es que Ia tesis de “la carga teórica" de Ia observación ha sido mal planteada, al dar par sentado que esa carga (...)
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    How Not to Learn From Catastrophe.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):738-765.
    This essay conceptualizes the intersections between contemporary catastrophes and political life by exploring how narratives of catastrophe mediate discursive and objective processes of catastrophization. It argues for the need to counteract catastrophization, a discursive and objective political phenomenon, by not only re-cognizing how catastrophes impinge on political life but by offering a more critical understanding of this intersection. The essay thus calls for the politicization of catastrophe as a response to the “catastrophization of political life.” Apropos of these concerns, it (...)
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    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Margarita Vázquez Campos (ed.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has been debated (...)
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  34. Rethinking autonomism: Beauty in a world of moral anarchy.Adriana Clavel-Vazquez - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12501.
    Advocates of the ethical criticism of art claim that works' ethical defects or merits have an impact on their aesthetic value. Against ethical critics, autonomists claim that moral criteria should not be part of the considerations when evaluating works of art as art. Autonomism refers to the view that an artwork's aesthetic value is independent from its ethical value. The purpose of this paper is to examine how autonomism has been defended in the contemporary discussion in analytic aesthetics. I present (...)
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  35. Case‐Based Reasoning in Educational Ethics: Phronēsis and Epistemic Blinders.Michael Vazquez & Dustin Webster - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):492-511.
    In this paper Michael Vazquez and Dustin Webster consider the practice of deliberating about ethical case studies as a means to contribute to the professional development of educators. An ongoing debate is whether or not the study of ethical theory should be included in this practice. Vazquez and Webster argue that a popular strategy, known as the Phronetic Approach, is vulnerable to what they call “epistemic blinders” that arise in the absence of the scaffolding provided by theory. They then sketch (...)
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    A match made in heaven: predictive approaches to (an unorthodox) sensorimotor enactivism.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):653-684.
    It has been pointed out that Sensorimotor Enactivism, a theory that claims that perception is enacted and brought about by movement, says very little about the neural mechanisms that enable perception. For the proponents of the predictive approach to Sensorimotor Enactivism, this is a challenge that can be met by introducing predictive processing into the picture. However, the compatibility between these theories is not straightforward. Firstly, because they seem to differ in their stand towards representations: while Sensorimotor Enactivism is said (...)
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    ¿Es coherente una cosmovisión naturalista? La argumentación de Plantinga contra el naturalismo desde la perspectiva de Artigas.Enrique Moros - 2016 - Scientia et Fides 4 (2):343-355.
    Is a naturalistic world view coherent? Plantinga’s argumentation against naturalism from Artigas’ perspective In this paper, I examine the critique of the naturalistic world view that Plantinga exposes based on the concept of world view formulated by Artigas. The analysis of the results of contemporary science carried out by the American thinker, stemming from his epistemological investigations, is largely coincident and convergent with that of Artigas, developed almost a decade in advance. The impossibility of sustaining a naturalistic belief, in keeping (...)
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    A 40 años de Estudios: entrevista con su fundador, Rodolfo Vázquez.José Rafael González Díaz & Rodolfo Darío Vázquez Cardozo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (150):17.
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    Batallas de gallos y retórica.Rubén Vázquez-Sánchez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (2):1-17.
    Las batallas de gallos en el estilo libre son competiciones que estimulan la creatividad lingüística de los participantes y los elementos y recursos poéticos son ampliamente utilizados para mejorar sus puntuaciones en la competición.Metodológicamente, esta investigación muestra qué son las figuras retóricas fonológicas, cómo se emplean estos recursos en la elaboración de los mensajes realizados por los raperos y se explica cómo el uso de licencias y recurrencias fonológicas y licencias métricas son integradas con el fin de crear un discurso (...)
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    Crítica al pensamiento trascendental en Franz Hinkelammert.Eduardo Solano Vázquez - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130):105-117.
    A partir de la crítica que Franz Hinkelammert emite al pensamiento trascendental-abstracto, el cual ostenta y soporta a la modernidad iluminista-capitalista a través de sus ciencias empíricas: derecho, economía, sociología, se ha realizado este texto. Éste resalta las repercusiones del pensamiento en la realidad histórica, de ahí que junto a Hinkelammert y la tradición del pensamiento crítico se considera que pensamiento-contexto social e histórico se implican e influyen entre sí. Por otro lado, el pensamiento trascendental-abstracto de la modernidad iluminista-capitalista ha (...)
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    La palabra como el medio por el cual el gnóstico ejerce una acción medicinal en Evagrio Póntico.Santiago Vázquez - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (176):75-94.
    El tópico de la curación por la palabra aparece en la obra del monje filósofo del siglo IV, Evagrio Póntico, con distintas modulaciones. Recogiendo una herencia clásica, el pensador del Ponto atribuye a la palabra un poder para modificar disposiciones psíquicas. Entre los caminos por los cuales esta potencia curativa de la palabra puede actualizarse, hay uno de particular relevancia que parece atender a la naturaleza más profunda de lo que el mismo Evagrio considera la enfermedad propia del alma. Nos (...)
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    The Most Demanding Scenarios of Play in Basketball Competition From Elite Under-18 Teams.Jairo Vázquez-Guerrero, Francisco Ayala, Franc Garcia & Jaime Sampaio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  43. La actividad científica investigativa: Su concepción y desarrollo actual en la carrera de Estomatología.L. Albertí Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (9).
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    Vida moral y sabiduría en el pensamiento de Evagrio Póntico.Santiago Hernán Vázquez - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (3).
    El presente estudio se inscribe en la línea de las investigaciones acerca del pensamiento de Evagrio Póntico, el monje filósofo del siglo IV d.C, que se vienen realizando en los últimos años. En este marco, nos interesa profundizar en la significación que tiene en la obra evagriana un concepto filosófica y teológicamente relevante como es el de sophía y cuál es la relación que la realidad que éste designa tiene con la vida moral. Evagrio establece una relación de connaturalidad entre (...)
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    Kann man Kants transzendentale Logik,besondere Logik' nennen?María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 106-113.
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    Agostino, Vedere Dio (lettera 147), traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di Giovanni Catapano.Enrico Moro - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):623-626.
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    De la Filosofía analítica al teísmo: Antony Flew.Enrique R. Moros - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (2):57-84.
    From Analytic Philosophy to Theism: Antony Flew After the great idealistic systems, the advent of nihilism and the formulation of pragmatism, philosophy restarts again creatively. To understand this rise, I will argue about the essential relationship that philosophy should have with science. Then I will delineate, in line with Antony Flew’s history, the main philosophical arguments atheists present in analytic philosophy, and the characteristics that take the old arguments. Finally, I try to formulate as accurately as possible the main arguments (...)
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    González, Ángel Luis: Teología natural, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1995, 319 págs.Enrique Moros - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (2):472-473.
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    Un Dio simpatico.Maria Fida Moro - 1984 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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    Participation frameworks and socio-discursive competence in young children: The role of multimodal strategies.Gabriela Prego-Vázquez & María Ángeles Cobelas Cartagena - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):135-158.
    This article explores the socio-discursive competence of young children in Galician pre-schools. In particular, it deals with the way in which children – aged from 2;10 to 4;05 years – combine embodied actions and verbal resources to co-narrate stories with peers and adults. Using an audiovisual corpus of naturally occurring interactions, we have conducted a qualitative and multimodal analysis, observing how children react to diverse footings and negotiate participation frameworks in multiparty interactions. The findings suggest three progressive stages in the (...)
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